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“Donate | Review | Share | Gift”

Many Ways You ‘Can’ Support Us

Support our family because we are supporting yours, giving you our time or perhaps helping other humans, you can donate us whatever you can.

Let’s See Donations Options First

NOTE: We are in the process of setting up online payment system, you can for right now use cash, checks, and gifts, thanks for your understanding


We Accept Cash Donations


Mail to: 285 Berlin Turnpike,
Unit #321
Berlin, CT 06037 (USA)


May be coming soon


Coming Soon


We Accept Gift Donations

next steps? Do what applies in your case

Supporting Options Made Easy


Write Honest Reviews

After you are healed you can leave reviews since you have experienced our healing effects you are the right person to do this


Money helps our families grow. Pay for this website, other bills & expenses, keep us afloat, keep us enabled to helping others

Like & Share

Sharing means you can let other people know that hey look go to them they are good and will help you get healed.

Dedicate Time (Volunteer)

Would you like to lend a helping hand to helping us help other humans get healed? If interested, let us know. 


Any valuable gifts are welcome. There may be more ways to helping and supporting us than what we could think of, we would like you to know we are open minded .

Follow & Subscribe

Following and subscribing is a way to stay connected and it affects our social media ranking, the more numbers the better

So Many Options, How Best to Support?

If we have spent time on you & healed you then the No.1 priority would go to monetary support then priority No. 2 would be to let others know via online reviews. If you just learnt about us then share about us with others via your social media profiles, perhaps like share and follow us, let other’s in need learn about us. 

Contact Us

We Work During Sunlight Only.

i.e. 10 am to 5 pm

Visiting Address

Healing session @ West Hartford CT by appointment only
We try to keep it private unless appointment confirmation

Business Mailing Address

No Personal Visits Please
Total Healing Power
285 Berlin Turnpike, Unit 321,
Berlin CT 06037 (USA)

Phone & Email


Write Us